Launch Something

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Anniversary Celebrations

Whether it’s your first, your 20th, or your centennial, brand anniversaries deserve a round of applause. There’s no better way to raise a glass to your success than to build on the branding that’s gotten you this far.

Here at Launch Something, we believe in the power of design to reveal and elevate your brand. When it comes to an anniversary logo design, we look for the perfect balance of celebration and strategy. So, why get visual with your anniversary branding?

Shift the narrative

By creating a commemorative logo, you can easily communicate your brand’s longevity, durability, and character in one stunning visual. This is your chance to remind audiences that your brand continues to thrive after all this time – and that you can help them thrive, too. Anniversary logos are conversation starters. What will yours say?

Level up

Anniversaries provide a unique opportunity to refine and revamp your branding and positioning. If you’ve been thinking about a refresh, let an important milestone serve as a segue to expanding your brand and keeping you front-and-center.

Past, present, future

Anniversary logos celebrate your brand’s history, reintroduce your brand to the current market, and set the course for the future. Celebrating your anniversary with a distinctive logo design reminds customers and team members of where the brand has been and where it’s going, which leads to stronger brand loyalty and overall excitement.

How do we do it?

First, we ensure that the new anniversary logo seamlessly incorporates all existing brand guidelines. Then, we use our design magic to build on this foundation and expand branding through the intentional use of color, typography, and images.

And since we love recognizing brand milestones, we created a logo for ourselves to celebrate 15 years of launching awesomeness.